Imagine being able to program a computer that you can pick up and put in your pocket

Here at RaspiKidd we educate kids and teachers how to program computers in a fun and interactive way. We do so with the help of microcomputers which are the size of a credit card. When our students write code, they can see an immediate result, e.g LEDs light up or robots move about.

Who we are

Kerry Kidd is the micro:bit Educational Specialist and Raspberry Pi Certified Educator.

Kerry started her tech journey in the early 1990's, when computers were still in their infancy. After studying computer science at college, Kerry went on to combine her love of electronics, tech and building things, that make noise move about and light up this was where RaspiKidd was born.

Kerry is also the co-founder of micro:mag , and she freelances for Causeway Digital to develop educational materials for Minecraft.

Image of RaspiKidd programming

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